
Is it strange to dance so late?

- It only costs 10 million to clone your own mammoth.

- The Economist tackles Bolano-mania. This author actually interviewed me when I was standing in said snaking queue, although it looks like my comments didn't make the cut.

- For some reason this blog is not the first result for a lincoln michel blog search. (Take that Google!)

- McSweeney's is having a sale since everyone is poor now.

- And finally, a font made out of Kafka's handwriting. (via BookNinja)


I'm on the block....

- Over at Yankee Pot Roast I have a listicle up titled Suggested Emcee Names for People with Disorders Which Might Make It Difficult to Actually Rap. Check it out!


Just some thangs...

- Thanks to everyone who came out to my reading at the KGB Bar. It was a lot of fun and the after-reading Pommes Frites were quite delicious.

- The election is over, but here is an article with critics overanalyzing Obama and McCain's favorite book lists.

- Speaking of the election, here is a sappy racial harmony picture series.

- NEWSWEEK argues that Obama's win means brains are back in fashion!

- The Telegraph says a new study shows fiction is better at explaining the world to people than non-fiction.

- Expect Gigantic (magazine) things from Annie, Rozi, James and I in the near future.


Reading Next Saturday

Come shake off those election hangover blues/joys at the KGB Bar this Saturday, where I will be reading along with several other writers as part of a flash fiction night.

Afterwards we can all eat some Pommes Frites!