

So... success was had! I was very flattered to be named the winner of the 3rd semi-final round in The L Magazine's Literary Upstart competition. I would also really like to thank all my friends who came out for the support and drunken fun times.

I read a story called "Whale Belly" and was described as the
Guy Whose Story Narrated By a Man Who Secretly Thinks His Pregnant Wife Is Gross and a Little Scary Had the Effect of Possibly Scaring the Female Contingent of Our Judging Panel off of Childbirth Forever.

I will be reading again in the final, along with my pal Franklin and someone yet to be named (or was probably named by his parents and has been named by the judges but whose said name has not been named to me as of yet), to see who gets "one fifth of your monthly rent" in prize money on Thursday June 21st.

No I am off to party at a club and or bar that is either called House, Home, Abode or Crash Pad... I can't remember.

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